Our Promise
Our philosophy is simple, honest and transparent
Our aim is to provide customers with the highest quality products and excellent customer service.
Making Choices simple: Our 6 month Money Back Guarantee aims to make choices simple for you. If you have changed your mind or realised a product is not the one for you, then return to us for a full refund - even if the packaging is empty.
In our product descriptions, blog articles, and newsletters we will be honest and open. Where the law allows us to make claims for our products we will do so, providing backup scientific references.
When you buy from Innopure we will never hide anything away in the small print and quality products are our priority.
All Innopure products are UK manufactured and follow GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines.
Our aim is to provide the best customer service with all the information you need to make an informed purchasing decision. If you have any questions we are here to help.
Start your journey towards Happiness Through Health...the Innopure Way.